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Memories and Reflections
I am often asked by many clients whether there was a way to know if they were following the right path in life and if they were living out their purpose. How would they know if they were doing the right thing, and would they recognize the signs if they asked for them? Many expressed a fear of starting a new career, interest, journey, or a new direction in life, etc., because perhaps they felt they were not young enough, good enough, smart enough, rich enough.
Most of us are responsible for our own “No’s.” If only we just got out of our own way.
It’s never too late to start something new, anything new if your heart calls out to you to do so. Where does purpose fit in? Where and how do you find purpose? You don’t. It is not something you chase after. Purpose finds you. I was asked this some time ago by an instructor to complete an assignment that included writing down my purpose, my vision and my goals. Some of the students found the assignment confusing and the topic illusive. For me, there was clarity.
There was always a knowing within that I was meant to teach others about a different way of thinking, how it connected with conscious awareness and who we were. I was deeply aware of the importance of changing the way we think to change our mood and therefore I could control whether I had a good day or a bad day. Somehow, I knew at that time, the importance of imagination, visualization and the power of believing, but I didn’t know these were the words to describe what I was already doing. But, I did not persist in this line of thinking simply because there was no one around me who believed in any of it or supported me in this line of thought. Everyone was just too practical, too realistic. I soon found myself convinced that my thoughts were crazy and illogical. I plugged myself back into the matrix.
Today, I am a different person and find myself freely asking higher intelligence for signs to guide me in the right direction. I believe that there is a source for answers, inspirations and solutions that is not found in this realm of reality to every question, but in the ether, energy field, the universe, if you will. Whether you realize it or not, we have all experienced this phenomenon. Think about all those times when you thought a miracle happened, or when you thought you got lucky, or when you were so thrilled that you found an answer to some mind-boggling problem that you didn’t know why you didn’t think of it sooner, or that it was such an amazing solution that you felt you pulled it out of your behind. It baffled your mind. That’s what I’m talking about.
In looking back, I realized that all the signs were there. All the signs pointed to directing my focus on personal development and new thought. It gave me a deep and real sense of true freedom, peace and happiness. They pointed to my passion to connect with nature. My enthusiasm always pulled me in that direction, but until now, I never pursued any of it, because the environment in which I grew up did not foster that kind of interest. We become what the adults in our life tell us to become or what they show us to become, whether we are referring to our parents, guardians, teachers, and events happening around us when we were growing up.
As the year now begins to come to a close, I sit often throughout these days and reflect on the goings-on of the year. Although my studies educate me on the importance of getting out of the comfort zone by embracing the natural human tendencies of personal growth by wanting more in our lives — more health, more happiness, more prosperity — my mind does frequently drift and take me back to various times of my life in the past.
I guess I just wanted to know how many times the universe tried to give me signs to steer me in the right direction. You get to thinking a lot about the life you’ve lived and all the years that have passed, when suddenly, you find yourself getting pretty clear that all the years you spent doing that one thing that you thought was your meaning of life, that you were living your purpose, was not what you wanted to do anymore. Did I just waste my life away?
No, I did not. I did not waste anything. For those of you who are feeling the same and perhaps have gone through a similar journey, nothing we do or have ever done or will do, constitutes as a waste of time. Life is a journey of decisions, experiences and learning. This is how we grow. Life is a process. That is why I do believe that no matter how you see things and how you want to assign labels to everything as good or bad, there is no such thing. Everything is just the way it is. Every event occurred in your life because it was supposed to.
I am not saying that life’s tragedies should be trivialized. I don’t mean that at all. We are having a human experience and we feel our way in our surroundings through life with our 5 senses. However, we grow and evolve by utilizing the information we gather from our 5 senses combined with our higher mental faculties, such as reason, memory, will, intuition, imagination, and perception.
So, if you are feeling restless, listless, or even confused, dissatisfied, and there is a little inner voice that tells you there is something more for you right here, right now, pay attention to what it’s telling you and write it down. These are not pointless musings. Your inner voice connects with your heart, with God, the universe, source, higher intelligence, whatever your faith is.
Every week, I am asked by clients, how I became interested in teaching health and wellness using mindset techniques. I believe my authentic self knew from the very beginning, but my journey required growth of the soul, the spirit. Were the years I spent in med school and then practicing traditional medicine afterwards all a waste of my precious time? I don’t think so. Did I wish to have done holistic health and personal development earlier in my life? Of course, I do. I used to spend time regretting the paths I could have taken and did not. I used to get disappointed at myself for not following what my gut instincts told me. But, that is neither here nor there.
Kicking yourself with “I should’ve, would’ve, could’ve” in 20-20 hind vision is tempting and easy but unhealthy and totally unnecessary. We think we can see things much more clearly about the past but in reality, nothing was ever wrong or right, except that the egoic mind tries to convince us of it. What I try to remember is that what I know now, I did not know then; but what I know now, I would not have known, if this or that thing did not happen in my life.
Everything that has happened is necessary for us to expand as we seek further expression of ourselves. This is the natural course for all of us as we are spirit having a human experience. And, it is for this reason that we have deep reservoirs of potential. We can do and be whatever we want as long we do no harm to others and hold that desire firmly with conviction in our mind. Growth requires experience and action.
Instead of regret, I embrace my gratitude for everything that has happened, some I liked, others not so much; and for all the people I have met, some I liked, others not so much. Regardless, if there were challenges big or small, these challenges were mirrors of who I was and what I needed to confront before moving forward. They existed to bring out the triggers within me of unresolved trauma and issues.
So, let me offer you this. Take out your journal or a blank sheet of paper and write down everything you remember that you were passionate about, perhaps a thought or action, whether it was an idea you had, something you wanted to do or be, someone you wanted to connect with, something that made you so happy, or something you may not have thought about for a long time. Then, write next to or below each item the circumstances you remember, such as why you felt the way you did at the time, if there were any signs that tried to push you in a certain direction now that you think about it but that you ignored at the time.
This exercise may open your eyes and open you up to new possibilities, give you permission to take that leap that you missed out way back when, and even allow you to stop whatever you’re doing that consumes your “9 to 5” hours to explore other avenues that resonate with and call to you, giving you a newly discovered sense of freedom and happiness. Remember that “whatever” is eating away your time in this relatively short life you have, you are trading your life for that “whatever.” The time never comes back. Make sure whatever you’re doing is always worthy of you.
As I sit in silence every day, I decided that what is most important in my life now is to live a life of freedom and abundance and to do so by serving as many people as I can by teaching them how to come into their own, their authentic self through knowledge of the intimate connection between the mind and the body and their connection to spirit. These days, I do more “letting” than “doing” and surrender to everything that is of the now-presence. I release myself to the highest good and let things just flow, trusting that higher intelligence has my back always.
I do my best each day to respect the mind enough to recognize its unlimited power and to harness the energy from it to navigate my body’s health experience, remembering that all that I hold in the mind, I eventually hold in the hand and that the body remains a faithful servant of the mind. The body is the physical manifestation of everything I choose to entertain in the mind.
My memories continue to guide me, and my times of reflection permit me to listen and receive directions as to my next step in my path and to welcome my true purpose to come through me. And, as you continue your daily gratitude journaling along with the exercise mentioned above, you may be surprised what unfolds for you. Let us know in the COMMENTS section below.
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Until next time, may you have much to be grateful for!
With Love and Gratitude♥️🙌
Dr. Celeste Amaya