The Science of Dreaming into Reality
It is said that everything we want is already here. The person we want to become, the way we want to feel, and the health and wealth we want to have are here right now. Everything we are seeking is seeking us, as well. If we cannot see it or we do not have it in our physical reality, it is because the vibrational frequencies at both ends are not in harmony with each other.
I listened to a podcast several months ago that described a maharaja who had ambitions of taking transcendental meditation globally. When his closest advisor asked where the money was coming from, the maharaja’s response was,
“Wherever it is right now.”
Now, many of us would say that this is just outright nonsense. But, is it, really? We have a tendency to dismiss things that go against our habitual thinking and set of belief systems. However, if we remember that our definition of illogical is based on what are 5 senses (see, hear, touch, taste, smell) tell us, then, depending on these sensory factors will never allow us to reach our full potential in this life.
All of nature’s creatures are at home in their environment and have the ability to blend in. We, on the contrary, have the capability of creating any environment we desire and yet, this brings about confusion and frustration, instead of peace and happiness for the most part. Why is that?
Humans have the tendency to allow the present circumstances, based on what the 5 senses pick up, dictate how they feel and act and what they believe is possible in the future. We also tend to allow those outside of us to tell us what reality we should expect instead of using our God (Universe)-given mental faculties to determine for ourselves.
What exactly are the 6 mental faculties? They are perception, memory, reason, intuition, will and imagination. And, it is these mental faculties that separate us from all of nature’s creatures. These gifts allow us to aspire to reach higher, to expand and further express who we really are. It is in our nature to do so. They generously allow us to overcome any situation we label as negative and move beyond our current reality.
Last week, a client expressed frustration that his medical condition would never improve beyond where it was that day. When I asked him why he believed that, he explained that his previous physician told him that that was as good as he would be given his age. He couldn’t give me one sound reason for that hypothesis other than it made sense to him that the aging is real and that change for the worse naturally comes with age. Despite my giving him many reasons why he was wrong, sadly, he remained adamant that he was doubtful his health would ever improve.
We become what we think most about. (The Strangest Secret-Earl Nightingale)
There’s so much that med school never taught me and that is we are incredibly powerful. We not only have the power to heal, we have the power to literally create any life we can imagine through visualization, imagination, and holding that image with our will and expectation. Without expectation, any goal we set becomes an empty wish.
The majority of us have been taught when we were kids that wishing and dreaming were fantasy and to be realistic. We are also told to release all expectations. Then, through my studies into quite old scientific research, it turns out that because we are spiritual beings in a physical body having a physical experience, all thoughts have vibrational frequencies. Whatever frequency is sustained moves from the mind into the body.
Good health is nothing more than a group of thoughts in organized states of vibration. Sickness, on the other hand, is a collection of confused states of vibration. Science indicates that whatever you love is yours. Whatever you hate is also yours. Do you ever think about how we hate illness more than we love health or how much we hate lack than we love prosperity?
The way I started doing this mindset shift was to first set a goal of 30 days as I reminded myself to think and say only the things I wanted and to avoid any kind of negative talk. If anyone started gossiping, complaining, or started saying negative things about anything, I’d politely walk away. If it was too rude to step away, I’d say repeatedly in my mind, “I’m so happy and grateful now that (something I was grateful for).”
Then, I started observing my surroundings and what was happening. I knew that as I began changing, energetically my vibrational frequency would change, as well, and as a result, new opportunities and different people from unexpected places would literally find me. The things that used to bother me or things that were unpleasant just seemed to disappear the more I stopped focusing on them. This was surprisingly quite a challenge. It is amazing how so much of our behavior is established and hard to upgrade.
As time went on, I was able to catch myself immediately as I opened my mouth about to say how tired I was, or how my head hurt, or why did this or that happen to me today, or I wish this or that could just be something else, etc. If I inadvertently let slip something negative, I’d quickly say something I was happy and grateful for 5 times to dilute it out.
And then gradually, I’d notice the days passing incredibly smoothly. Every person I needed to see or everything I needed to move projects forward just appeared. These days my studies tell me that none of it is magic at all nor are they lucky events or coincidences. We definitely attract what we think about through the natural law of vibration. So now, if I feel I’m having a “bad” day, I have to ask myself what kind of energy am I putting out there in the universe to attract all this? What is my vibration in harmony with? We get whatever we are in harmony with. This certainly explains a lot when I look back on my life. This is science med school never taught me.
My clients who are participating in this method frequently ask how to get over feeling greedy, undeserving or guilty for setting goals and wishing for things or for better health. I simply remind them that there is never any ownership of any material item. In life we merely borrow things to use to serve others and when we shuffle off this mortal coil, we can’t take any of that with us to the grave. And, as Genevieve Behrend said in “Your Invisible Power,”
“Everyone visualizes whether he knows it or not. Visualizing is the great secret of success.”
Since the mind’s natural default state is to visualize negativity, better to improve the odds by flooding the mind with positive thoughts which have higher frequencies, especially if you have difficulty accepting the negative thoughts or releasing them. Remember that negative thoughts are hard to deal with or accept because they are our paradigms, a lovely collection of installed old versions of habitual behavior.
Remember that all things we see in the physical plane first originated in the mind. There has to be first an awareness of such a thing, a plan, a condition, or a situation, and then a strong emotional desire for that to come into fruition. Science explains that through sustained thought about an idea and the anchoring of strong emotions conviction, the vibrational energy frequency signature is translated and travels to the body and everywhere else, and eventually, through the law of gestation, the seed that was planted breaks ground, grows, and flourishes.
I learned that mind is movement and thoughts are cosmic waves that penetrate all space and time, traveling faster than the speed of light.
Yet another fun fact I never learned in science class.
Dream well. Dream big. You deserve it. It is your birthright.
Relaxation and Meditation
1) Find a quiet place, sit and close your eyes. Take a slow deep breath in through your nose or pursed lips and follow the breath all the way down to the belly (5-7 seconds). Release the breath slowly (5-7 seconds). Repeat 2-3 more times.
2) Meridian points to access
—Chest point, one or both sides
—Blade of hand, keep to one or alternate both
—Brow, one or both sides
—Corner of the eye, one or both sides
—Under the eye, one or both sides
—Under the nose
—Under lower lip
—Chest point, one or both sides
(You can also decide which points to use and the order)
3) Intentional Statement-Questions
—How am I able to keep only positive thoughts in the mind that I didn’t notice before?
—How do I have so many things I am grateful for that I didn’t notice before?
—How have I maintained such clarity of mind that I didn’t notice before?
—How have I been able to harvest only the good in every situation that I didn’t notice before?
—How have I been able to increase my intuition that I didn’t notice before?
—How have I been able to make decisions quickly that I didn’t notice before?
—How have I been able to feel so relaxed lately that I didn’t notice before?
—How have I felt so peaceful that I didn’t notice before?
—How has my life been so incredible and amazing that I didn’t notice before?
(Again, feel free to personalize the statements to align with your intentions)
4) Conclude with breathing exercises from 1) and if it calls to you, sit in continued reflection and contemplation for 15-20 more minutes.
5) Remember to write your 8-10 gratitudes once in the morning and once at bedtime for a powerful shift.
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Thank you for reading and watching. Stay tuned for more tips on mindset techniques for health, wellness, and abundance soon on TikTok!
May you always receive much to be grateful for everyday🙌♥️
With love and gratitude ♥️🌻🪷
Dr. Celeste Amaya