Physician Healer
Issue 102: Abundance and Freedom --When Do We Really Know We Are Already Free and Abundant? (Part 1)
As always, we extend an embrace of gratitude for each week’s new members to the Healing Physician Podcast. We appreciate all the heartfelt messages and requests, making it possible for each Meridian Meditation session to be channeled appropriately. Every new member brings expansion and allows us to continuously elevate our platform to reach an ever-growing number of individuals who resonate with this community. So, thank you so much to everyone!
(Spiritual meaning of a black and white feather found on our path—balance, increased spiritual awareness, life transformation, protection from guardian angels.)
Before we dive into this week’s blog on what it really means to have freedom and abundance, I thought it would be appropos to share a bit of the behind-the-scenes of my writing absence these last few months and why the hiatus from this blog. Firstly, I’ve always felt that if I didn’t have anything of value to say or share, I’m not going to publish just so I can put out a piece into the ether. And, by value, of course, I can only rate it subjectively as something that has meaning for me with the understanding that if the contents resonated with you, it would elevate your life in some meaningful way. Friends have remarked that while I may not deem a piece worthy to share, others may still find value in it. While that may be true, I still want to feel aligned with the contents, and so, that’s partly why the absence.
I have been adding to my ongoing journey in personal development, studies in the financial field to maneuver more intelligently some of life’s realities. I began to realize the importance of learning certain things related to money, and the skills to train others on the same. Until now, I’ve practiced avoidance of anything monetary. Many may not be aware, but I have always found anything pertaining to finance and economics loathsome for all of my adult life. I have also spent much time reflecting on the reasons.
Is this a scary journey for me? Yes. Why? Because, I opened the door to the unknown, the new and unfamiliar to the established image that had been a huge part of my identity; and my belief system had been marinating in parental soup for decades. I had been made to believe that the financial field was never in the cards for me simply because my parents had a different agenda and discouraged me from entertaining the subject matter; and that this new direction would require that I get out of my own way, or fight the old me, or have a heart-to heart chat with my old demons lurking about.
And, if anything in this newsletter resonates with you or if you have any other random or nonrandom questions, please feel free to reach out and connect with us on the Substack platform or on the website (our sponsor), and we will do our very best to answer all of your questions.
Abundance and Freedom
What I know is that all of us are already living a free and abundant life. I can already hear the disbelief, objections with eye rolls, and voices telling me I’m crazy, because for some of us, our current circumstances do not seem to reflect such harmonious prosperity. Rest assured that even my egoic mind or old paradigms are on super-drive 99% of the time, generating the unappreciated noise of fear, frustration and worry.
Most of us base our perception of life on our senses of sight, hearing, touch, taste and smell. Our mind seeks proof in the form of tangible evidence. But, the problem is recognizing that whatever is happening in the present circumstance is a physical manifestation, in other words, a by-product of everything we have repeatedly thought about and the actions we have taken in the past. We just don’t know how long ago we planted these seeds and now they are growing into adult trees we no longer want.
The solution? Just stop watering and feeding the trees we don’t want and plant new seeds to grow into new trees that we desire.
What I do know from all my studies is that no matter what our present situation is in life, the more we truly feel and express gratitude for all that we are, feel and have, the more we are actually opening up space in our life to receive in kind, according to the universe, and this is when life becomes magical as it continuously gets upgraded, if you will. The energetic frequency we generate and broadcast out into the ether gets matched up with the same frequency coming back to us obeying the laws of vibration and attraction.
Quite the difficult pill to swallow at first. Been there, done that.
Even if our egoic voice told us how our life could be better, making it a habit of feeling we are already abundant and free makes us feel gratitude for whatever we have right now. This feeling creates a strong positive frequency within us, which will then attract similar frequencies from without. Simply put, like attracts like. If we are angry and frustrated all the time, we will be placed in situations that make us angrier and more frustrated.
To break the cycle, we have to rewire our mind to consciously picture a situation we would prefer, believe that it is happening right now, feel that the preferred situation is happening right now, and surrender to the release of whatever is perceived as unfavorable in the moment, to make space for the future we are creating. And, we have to use our imagination to visualize with feeling all of that no matter what is going on in our lives right now. This is the secret.
“It feels too good to be true. It can’t be that easy.”
“How long is this going to take? I’ve tried this for a month now and I haven’t noticed any changes.”
It is true and it does works. It is simple. But, it is not easy to do and like everything related to permanent change, it takes time, persistence, consistency and patience. The wild card is that we will never know the timeline. The only certainty is that by sticking with the plan, the goal becomes a reality in an eventual present moment of circumstances.
We may ask, “How can I say that I’m grateful for my financial situation when I am stressed out because I have no money to pay the bills?” Or, “How can I say that I’m grateful for my health when I am in pain and have been bedridden with illness?” According to thought leader Neville Goddard, neuroscientist Joe Dispenza, and many other authors of this genre, by imagining and feeling beyond what our current circumstances are showing us, we are setting a precedent for a future self and life we desire.
There is no shortage of testimonials from any of these authors and instructors. I also know by definition, that any method or technique is considered effective and valid as long as it works for one person.
Although we may not be able to do anything to change the situation right now, understanding that whatever is going on right now is merely playing itself out from the scripts we have written in the past allows us to realize that we actually have more control over our life than we previously thought. It removes us out of victimhood and playing the blame game. It is much like putting on a music album in the beginning and learning that whenever we want to listen to different music, all we have to do is change the album at any time.
Still, not so easy to do. That is why there are so many seemingly joyless people who complain incessantly about everything. Robin Sharma maintains that nothing worthwhile in life comes from anything that is easy. He has commented that he has never understood the attraction that people had to things that were easy. Easy is simply overrated.
In the past year and especially in the last 8 months or so, I felt called to change the direction of my journey and merge mindfulness and personal transformation with health and wealth concepts and methods. I desired more time freedom and for that to happen, I realized that some things had to change. This project was a challenge I gave myself as I was brought up with a negative relationship around money. Conversations about the topic of money were cringey for me. This became increasingly relevant as I started meeting new friends who were baffled about my negative perception of money and wealth. But, as time passed, I realized more and more that health, wealth and happiness were interdependent, and success is defined as a life that embodies all 3.
I also realized that many more people were reaching out and expressing a desire to have more time freedom to be able to travel more, write more, paint more, or just to be able to experience life without the restrictions and obligations of a standard employment.
According to Robin Sharma, a successful life is one in which there is alignment of 4 pillars in life, or interior empires — mindset, heartset, healthset and soulset. He goes on to say that there are 8 forms of wealth, which consist of self-mastery, family, health, craft, money, adventure, circle of genius, and service.
Early on, my parents put out mixed messages regarding the topic of money. On one hand, they emphasized that it wasn’t really important. I remember my mom telling us that money corrupted people because she was born into wealth and lived with such family members. She always voiced how proud she was that she married my dad who came from a poor family, like it was a badge of honor. On the other hand, much of their constant verbal discord had to do with where, when, and how to spend their small earnings for which they both worked hard.
While embarking on this new path and through self-development programs, I was surprised to discover that I held tightly onto old paradigms surrounding the subject of money and wealth, blind spots that were brought to my attention. In personal transformation, what are blind spots? They are aspects of our lives of which we are unaware, that are hidden, and because we don’t know what it is that we don’t know, we can’t do anything about it until what is hidden is brought to our attention, or in other words, until we are made aware.
I began seeing all the limiting beliefs I had regarding money and as my mindset evolved to embrace certain concepts I rejected in the past, I noticed a sense of heaviness lifting from me as the old paradigms started releasing themselves, allowing life to be enjoyed more fully and limitlessly.
One of the things I have done is make a list of all content creators, humanitarian causes and start-up projects to which I plan to donate, since it would be impossible for me alone to physically volunteer my time in multiple places simultaneously. The reality is that we do need adequate financial means to have significant impact on many people and organizations.
I began exploring some of the myths surrounding me when I was growing up —
“Money corrupts people…only bad people have money…money is the root of all evil… money can’t buy happiness…money brings misery to people…all rich people are unhappy…it is bad to have money…talking about money is crass…good people don’t talk about or wish for money…” and so on.
Money is demonized by many, yet it is clear that it is really the love of money that gets us in trouble, and not the love of using money as a vehicle to extend our ability to perpetuate good to more people and places since we cannot be everywhere at the same time.
“Money is an instrument. It enables you to extend the service you render beyond your physical presence. Money is earned. You earn money by providing a service. The amount of money you earn is in direct ratio to the need for what you do, your ability to do it and the difficulty in replacing you. Money doesn’t make a person bad. It just makes you more of who you already are. If you’re a good person, money will allow you to do so much more. If you’re a bad person, money will just make you terrible.” (Bob Proctor)
“Money is only used for two things. One, it’s to make you comfortable, and the more comfortable you are the more creative you will become. And, the other purpose is it enables you to extend the service you provide far beyond your own presence.” (Bob Proctor)
In an interview, Proctor discusses the difference between our “job” and “earning a living.” He explains that our job is part of our life’s purpose, and our purpose is to spend our days doing what we love to do. Our job is doing what we enjoy and what gives us mental satisfaction, whereas earning a living requires that we are in service to others. He goes a step further and adds that the amount of money we earn and receive is directly proportional not only to the degree of service we provide but also the need and the recognition of that need society has for the type of services we provide.
Ken Honda (Happy Money) states that money can be spent on experiences that align with our values. He believes that we need to change our beliefs revolving giving and receiving. The point of money is to bring more joy and happiness into our lives. By rewiring our mindset around money, we also rewire our relationship with it. He also reminds us that the key to happy money is appreciation. By saying “Arigato” (thank you) not only when money comes in but also when it goes out, we develop the habit of appreciating everything.
He also regards money as energy. Do you ever wonder why it is called currency? The purpose of money is to flow freely, like water. Honda teaches us that the only way we are able to feel peace with money is to have a solid emotional connection (EQ) with it as wealth is an emotion. Once we have a peaceful co-existence with money, then we are able to achieve true financial independence.
If we embrace wealth as an attitude, where we feel happy and content with what we have now, we are already wealthy. But, if we have to struggle every day and happiness cannot be found either in our business or personal life, Honda believes that we are not wealthy, despite having billions in the bank.
Regarding money as energy means it is in constant flow all around us at the present moment in our homes, our communities, and our social circles. Honda then gets real personal with money. He explains that "Happy Money” helps us treat money as a welcome guest, a good friend, allowing it to come and go with respect and without resentment or fear. When money is allowed to circulate with love, care and friendship then it is happy money.
A “happy money” mindset comes from the inside before money even flows our way. Lastly, he reminds us that like a friend, if we speak negatively about money in an angry, frustrated mood, complaining that there is never enough or that it is always going out to pay bills, etc., this friend will stay away from where it is not welcome and avoid coming to visit altogether.
Now, with all this knowledge, all these tools in my head, one would think that I have successfully emptied the mind, unlearned everything old and replaced it with everything new. The truth is every moment for the rest of my life, old paradigms will surface and be released as new ones come onboard. And, as the false stories continuously release themselves, I can show up in this world more and more authentically.
Whenever we live with authenticity, everything we say and do — our intentions are aligned with who we really are without carrying the burden of other people’s beliefs and opinions. We become free from the past and we can live fully in the present moment more effortlessly. We begin to take responsibility for our behavior, decisions and choices we make, and what we stand for. And so, as I enter this new phase of life, an adventure into deeper awareness of what this life is exactly, for which I supposedly signed up, I am excited to participate applying the knowledge and tools I’ve studied while remembering to relax and surrender to what is present in each moment and embrace each step to see what will unfold next.
Abundance and Freedom — When Do We Really Know We Are Already Free and Abundant?
The answer: When our awareness kicks in and contained within that awareness exists an inner knowing that we already are, that is, living a life of freedom and abundance. And, to truly feel it in this way is the key that opens all the doors of possibilities that align with the life we have imagined, the life that is aligned with our purpose.
(End Part 1)
(Part 2 to be published next week)
Until next time, spend moments throughout the day and just be with the stillness and focus your awareness of whatever the moment brings you. Remember to practice gratituding.
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With Love and Gratitude,
Dr. Celeste Amaya❤️🙌